February 15, 2024
Best practices for SDR outbound that converts 3x more

Outbound SDRs can boost conversion rates by employing targeted prospecting methods, personalized outreach, and a multi-channel approach encompassing email, phone calls, and social media engagement. Building rapport and trust through relationship-focused interactions, persistent follow-up, and a commitment to providing value are key to nurturing meaningful connections with prospects. Continuous learning, leveraging technology, and adapting strategies based on data-driven insights further optimize the outbound sales process, driving better results and fostering long-term success for the sales team.

When it comes to outbound sales development representatives (SDRs), there are several best practices that can significantly improve conversion rates and overall effectiveness. Here are some key strategies:

1. Targeted Prospecting:

  • Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): Clearly define your ideal customer profile based on demographics, industry, company size, pain points, and other relevant criteria. This helps SDRs focus their efforts on prospects most likely to convert.
  • Personalized Outreach: Tailor your messaging to resonate with each prospect's specific needs, challenges, and interests. Mention relevant details about their company or recent news to demonstrate that you've done your homework.

2. Multi-Channel Approach:

  • Email: Craft compelling subject lines and concise, personalized emails that grab attention and provide value. Follow up persistently but respectfully.
  • Phone Calls: Use phone calls strategically to supplement your email outreach. Be prepared with a clear value proposition and ready to handle objections.
  • Social Media: Engage with prospects on professional platforms like LinkedIn. Share valuable content, comment on their posts, and send personalized connection requests.

3. Build Rapport and Trust:

  • Focus on Relationships: Instead of purely pushing for a sale, aim to establish genuine connections and build long-term relationships with prospects.
  • Provide Value: Offer helpful insights, resources, or solutions that address your prospect's pain points. Position yourself as a trusted advisor rather than a salesperson.

4. Follow-Up:

  • Cadence: Develop a structured follow-up cadence that includes multiple touchpoints over time. Mix up your outreach methods to keep your messages fresh and engaging.
  • Persistence: Don't give up after one or two attempts. Research shows that it often takes multiple touchpoints to get a response from a prospect.

5. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

  • Feedback Loop: Encourage SDRs to regularly review their outreach efforts and analyze what's working and what isn't. Adjust strategies and messaging based on performance data and feedback from prospects.
  • Training and Development: Provide ongoing training and coaching to help SDRs refine their communication skills, objection handling techniques, and product knowledge.

6. Leverage Technology:

  • Sales Engagement Tools: Use sales engagement platforms like Orba to identify high quality leads, streamline prospecting, identify the right time to reach out, and automate certain outreach tasks.

By implementing these best practices, outbound SDRs can increase their conversion rates and drive more meaningful engagements with prospects, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the sales team.